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Amendments to the Residency Permit
The council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus has approved amendments on the fast track residency program under Regulation 6(2) of the Civil Registry and Migration law and Regulations. ...
Amendment in the Companies Law, Cap 113
 The gist of the amendments is Review rather than Audit of Financial Statements for companies whose net turnover does not exceed €200,000.  
The Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa
Beneficiaries of the CYPRUS DIGIGAL NOMAD VISA are third country nationals working remotely, either as self-employed persons or as employees of an overseas company.  
Companies and Taxation in the  Republic of Cyprus
IMPOSITION OF TAX In accordance with the tax laws of the Republic of Cyrus a company which is tax resident in the Republic of Cyprus, is subject to income tax on income accruing or ...
Personal Taxation in the Republic of Cyprus
Although Cyprus has traditionally been a jurisdiction offering a competitive corporate income tax rate of 12.5%, in an attempt to attract the relocation of multinational companies ...
The New Investment Program of Cyprus
The announcement of the Council of Ministers of the new investment program which shall come into effect on the 1st of January 2022,  sets a new pathway for Cyprus to evolve and establish ...
The Examinership Regime in the Republic of Cyprus
In order for the court to issue an order for the appointment of an examiner, the following tests must be satisfied: The company must be unable or likely to be unable to pay its debts. No ...
The Rights of Shareholders
Shareholders being stakeholders in a Cyprus, have a number of rights conferred upon them by the provisions of the Companies law, Cap 113, the Company’s Articles of Association as well ...
Covid 19 - Arrival into Cyprus


Countries have been categorized into Green, Orange, Red and Gray and arrivals into Cyprus and the level of testing will be depend on where each passenger is arriving from. 
Transfer Pricing under Cyprus Law


The Cyprus arm's-length principle is in line with the international arm's-length principle that governs controlled transactions and facilitates potential compensating adjustments in ...
Succession in Cyprus


Cyprus law does not impose an obligation to have a will. In the event of the death of person who has left no will in place, the estate of such a person shall become subject to the ...
Permanent Residency under Regulation 6(2)


Cyprus Permanent Residency is a legal status which entitles Non-EU citizens and qualifying dependents to enter and stay as permanent residents in Cyprus with no limitations. It does ...
The Duties and Responsibilities of Directors
The duties of the directors are both statutory imposed on them by the Companies law, Cap 113, (“the Companies Law”) as well as fiduciary duties emanating from common law.


An Intra Company Transferee is a employee working in a third country and he /she is being posted to an EU country to render services to a company which is in the same group of companies ...